


1000 ml contains:
Vitamin A   10,000,000 l.U
Vitamin D3 25,000,000 l.U
Vitamin E        100,000 mg
Vitamin K3       10,000 mg

Vitamin A:
The deficiency of Vitamin A causes blindness in chicks and atrophy & Keratinization of lpittielal tissues
Vitamin D3:
The deficiency of Vit D3 causes decreased calcium absorption resulting in weak bones, weak egg shell, and reduce hatchability
Vitamin E:
The deficiency of Vit E causes muscular dystrophy, low fertility and hatchability, exuda vetidiathesis and pancreatic dystrophy in poultry, immunosuppression in poultry caused by vaccination, transportation, weather bacterial and viral diseases
Vitamin K3:
The deficiency of Vit K3 in the chicks causes delays in blood coagulation, especially in coccidiosis or debeaking in layers &Breeders

Benefits to Use:
1. Improves Fertility & Hatchability in Layers & Breeders.
2. Improves Egg Shell quality.
3. Improves Egg Production.
4. Decreases Early Chick Mortality by increasing their immunity.
5. Prevents blood losses during Coccidiosis & Debeaking.
6. Helps to improve Weight Gain in poultry.
Dosage & Administrations:
For poultry 1 ml – 10 Litres of drinking water for 5 – 7 Days.
Horses & Catties 5-10 ml per animal (2-3 days)
Foals, Calves 5 ml per animal (2-3 days)
Sheep, Goats 2-3 ml per animal (2-3 days)
Store at room temperature and protect from direct sunlight.
1000 ml, 5D0ml, 20Dm|, 100ml

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