Hydro Plus Vaccine

It contains > 106 virus / dose (LD) along with the addition of local strain of Avi adeno virus with latest immuno modulators.
Now available in entirely new advanced combination of killed Avi adeno virus having latest immunomodilatory substances. Hydro Plus will .improve the immunity of birds with 90- 95% protection against hydropericardium syndrome.
Hyderopericardium syndrome (HPS) is caused by adenovirus and it affects broilers, breeders and layer. The most susceptible age is 2 to 5 weeks but it may attack the bird during any stage of age. HPS produces acute hepatitis, pericarditis with the accumulation of water in the pericardial sac. Disease is further complicated with bacterial and other secondary invaders. It causes high mortality up to 70% and morbidity may reach to 100 Percent.
Improved qualities
Hydro plus Vaccine contains the most efficient immunomodulators which are acceptable worldwide.
Solid Immunity
In recent studies, the trail showed much better immunity levels as compared to other vaccines. The humoral as well as cellular immunity is achieved by Hydro Plus vaccine. It provides solid and long-lasting immunity with higher protection rate in the birds.
Hydro Plus does not require extra amount of vaccine. At the same dose level the farmer may get better protection.
Stress free
Hydro Plus .provides more advanced formula to overcome the post-vaccination stress. Even this vaccine does not affect the normal growth and production in birds.
Risk free
Hydro Plus is completely inactivated as checked through approved sterility and safety tests.

Dose of vaccine
An amount of 0.3 cc should be injected subsutaneously in broiler, layer and breeder. Age of vaccination 14 to 18 days. In breeders at later stage of life the dose may increased up to 0.5 cc/ bird.

Store at 4-8 0C.
Shake well before use.
Read the instructions carefully.
Protect the vaccine from sunlight.
Must be inducted by trained vaccinator.

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